Breach of Contract
Breach of contract claims can arise in a variety of ways. I work with clients to ensure that all documents that could give rise to a breach of contract claim, such as employee handbooks, have appropriate disclaimers so as to minimize the risk of a viable breach of contract claim.
I also represent employers in lawsuits alleging breach of contract. We are sometimes on the plaintiff’s side of the issue, such as when a business sues a former employee for breach of a non-compete agreement. Other times, we are on the defendant’s side, such as when a business is sued by a current or former employee for breach of an employment agreement. In either scenario, I provide clients with strategic advice and representation to assist them in meeting their goals.
Please contact me if I can be of assistance in protecting your business, to the extent possible, against breach of contract claims, if your business is currently facing such a claim, or if your business needs to enforce its contractual rights.